
Friday, 29 June 2012

Coming Soon: Fitri Aulia


Fashion Designer: Fitri Aulia
Brand Designer and Photographer: Mulky Aulia

Copyright of KIVITZ

Fitri Aulia, will be launched at Jogja Fashion Week, July 5, 2012. The concept of my next fashion show will be Aceh Revival. 8 looks include 6 women and 2 men wearing Aceh Revival collection will be shown in the fashion show. Every collection of Aceh Revival is designed exclusively with Aceh songket fabrics.

About Fitri Aulia
Fitri Aulia is my new premium brand line. It is designed to be more exclusive and focused in dresses or gowns for special occasion. The designs are made in limited quantity or by special request.
Fitri Aulia will be available in our official boutique at Kemang. Now everything is still under preparation. We will inform you about the boutique, address and everything as soon as the project is done.

Aceh Revival
Indonesia has a various types of Songket from Aceh to some provinces. As an Aceh woman, I want this cultural heritage preserved, including in the ready-to-wear fashion products. At the fashion show on the next Jogja Fashion Week, I will bring the concept of Aceh with it cultural colors which dominated with red, yellow, green, and black, as in the Aceh Gayo culture. However, I made the design and the pattern more modern and more simple.

Generally, Fitri Aulia has almost the same concept with KIVITZ, both keep the Syar'i principle and still using bold colors. Hopefully with the new upcoming brand Fitri Aulia, Aceh Songket will be more popular for young generation and gives reference for special occasion dresses.



  1. as always...with bold chic ^_^

  2. ok deh sip mbak..sukses ama label barunya. mudah2an kedepannya, bisa ngangkat semua kekayaan tradisi Indonesia, nggak cuman Aceh aja :) ^^V Wassalam

  3. Fitriiii,, subhanallah, bagus bangeeeett.. aaakk, kereen banget... selamat ya.. smoga makin sukses yaahh... Barakallah Fitri..

    1. Alhamdulillah.. makasih Irma. Sama2 ya, semoga kita semua makin sukses :)

  4. Fitri, awalnya aku kurang berani pake warna2 bold, tapi setelah terispirasi koleksi koleksi kivitz yang banyak menonjolkan warna warna bold...jadi mulai berani pakai warna bold, terutama merah & biru elktrik... ;)

    1. Subhanallah, itu komentar terbaik yg pernah aku baca.. satu hal yg paling aku idamkan memang ingin lihat dunia sekitar makin berekspresi dgn warna. terutama dalam fashion. bold colors slalu memberi penekanan dlm mix&match :)

  5. Asslamu'alaikum.. dilabelnya itu kubah mesjid yah ?? subhanallah inspirasinya bagus sekali, :)salam kenal mbak fitri

    1. Walaikumsalam. Makasih ya, suamiku yg bikin :) memang desain labelnya terinspirasi dari gaya religius islami dan elegan..
